A Cloud of Fraud by Linda Ferreri

Perhaps the suspicion of fraud enhances the flavor. C. S. Forester

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Filtering by Author: Linda Ferreri

Book bloggers welcome!

As I finish the writing and warm up for all that’s coming next, I know how important book bloggers are. Many readers appreciate a suggestion and a review. Do they or do they not want to plow into that particular story? Does it strike the mood? A good book blogger is wonderful when you find the one who suits you.

The great folks who ran my book blog tour for the last novel are overwhelmed by the COVID crisis, and I’m putting the world out that book bloggers who enjoy a sophisticated mystery are more than welcome to give me a shout. I love cooperating. One of my favorite experiences with the last novel was Fran Lewis’ interview on her podcast radio show about books. Thank you again, Fran! It was a lot of fun.

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