A Cloud of Fraud by Linda Ferreri

Perhaps the suspicion of fraud enhances the flavor. C. S. Forester

Book blog tour

The blog tour for A Cloud of Fraud is well under way now, and I send many thanks to the bloggers who are keen enough to publicize this novel. Self-publishing bring with it the burden of self-publicizing and that is not an easy matter. But how else will a reader find the book? If you think about that question, in this world where running a book shop is close to a labor of love, people are doing their book shopping online and depend on the resources there to find just the right read. I know; I’ve done it.

I think that the idea of one’s shelf or stack full of to-read books is a great idea and we all need some help finding things to put there. One day the mood is this and another day the mood is that. I sometimes think I need an assortment of mood-meeters on that shelf. Bloggers help very much with this because they can call attention to just what a particular book can do for a reader.

Alas, reading all the books out there and then taking the time to write thoughtfully about them is hard work. I know that some bloggers serve up what they have received, and that too is very helpful. Special thanks very much to those of you who do it with care and attention. You are concierges of a sort. There are hungry readers for every book. The job is to connect them to one another.